Artist Statement 2010

A painting serves the purpose of expression and communication, like a song or a lifetime or any type of composition or creation or any other detail. The artifacts (junk) we leave behind, how we apply make-up, our careers, our diets, how we present in front a camera, handwriting, how we set up our homes, what our cars look like is all artful as well as communicative of our values and personality. The difference between these forms of expression and a painting is the medium. And there is no hierarchy here.

I like art as a conversation, a cultural event, an experience, an exchange. “I remember when i saw _________, and it communicated so clearly what i had been thinking and envisioning and feeling and going through. it said what i was struggling to say.” Paintings can pave the way.

A painting creates something that wasn’t there before. It sparks a conversation, a mood, a space for a voice that didn’t previously exist. I like this for underrepresented communities or uncomfortable subject matter and the wildly weird.

I think paintings should be beautiful, clever, turn the eye on. It “wows” and excites, engages, speaks to, triggers an idea, and Represents. More personally (and tritely, and ideally) it works as a form of rebellion by taking the boring, ugly, mundane and  aspects of the world and reinventing them in a new way, something visually exciting. It transforms how we see the world and can change minds, or embolden people who already see things similarly. A painting *turns the eye on*, stimulates something in the brain or memory, and touches the heart. I like paintings that impactful as in being remembered as something someone can identify or relate to. It just has to have soul. And remind us of ours.

2 thoughts on “Artist Statement 2010


    We are all artists. We all create something; we all want to be adored or at least just seen, touched & heard. So when it comes to art, its just a matter of format or avenue. Art is compulsive—its just going to happen. Participation at any level feels good. Its all all these things: part expressing whats inside, part connecting it to another, part experiencing it as the viewer or the artist. Art can be manifestation of emotion, of a certain worldview, of the divine, or of the swirling thoughts & ideas in our heads. If done well, can improve upon these things.
    In my paintings, I choose bright punk and riot grrl colors (I dig on that pink paint) because I like those movements and ethics. I think its is also a chipper juxtaposition to my mildly demented treatment of my subject matter. I like to paint the things that I like and love: my dog, relics & trophies of my past, people, and plants. In the feminist kinda way, I like glorifying home, family,  and the historically undermined and silenced female self/perspective/voice. My style of painting is “expressive” and autobiographical. My work is sometimes angry, often weird, honest, and energized.

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